Tim fearlessly leads the OSL community with grace and humor, serving as lead pastor of OSL since January of 2013. At the center of Tim’s ministry is his heart to bring people to the Word of God and trust the LORD to lead through the Word. Tim’s ministry extends beyond OSL and includes training pastors in Uganda and fulfilling a vision to build a seminary in Uganda. Pastor Radkey also serves as an Army Reserve chaplain.
Tim and his wife Lea Ann have been married 23 years and they have one daughter – Claire – who is in college. When not hanging out with his family, Tim enjoys being outdoors walking, running, or rucking.
*this assumes there are no snakes around
In his own words: I love that OSL is a community centered in the Word.
A favorite verse: Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. (Micah 7:8)
David serves as an Associate Pastor at OSL. He teaches, preaches, and enjoys helping people discover the joy of reading the Bible. David came to OSL in August of 2009 after 16 years of ministry with college students. David is the husband of Karen, his wife of 31 years. They are greatly blessed with four mostly adult children, two daughters-on-law, one granddaughter, and one and only one dog. When not analyzing a new font or Bible translation, David enjoys hiking, biking, photography, reading, and Springsteen. David holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University as well as an SMP Pastoral Certification from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
In his own words: I love how our church makes the Word and caring for one another central to our life together.
A favorite Bible verse: Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you (James 4:10).
Mark is an Associate Pastor at OSL and finds great joy in engaging with disciples of all ages. One of his favorite things to do is to sit down with people and simply hear their story. Mark's role as a pastor is varied, including leading OSL's digital ministry, serving as the Chaplain to the OSL Preschool, and joyfully engaging in OSL's Family Ministry (children and youth). Mark and his family have been members of OSL since 2012.
Mark and Robyn have been married since 2003 and have two children – Abigail and Luke. When not at church, you're likely to find Mark riding his old mountain bike around Collin County, exploring new parts of this great community. Mark has a BBA in Finance from Texas A&M, an MBA from UT Dallas, an SMP Certification from Concordia Seminary STL, and is currently working towards his General Pastor Certification at Concordia STL.
In his own words: The way the OSL congregation feels like true family of faith is a beautiful thing!
A favorite Bible verse: I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side (Psalm 3:5-6).
April Gilbert
Bio coming soon...
Robyn serves as the Director of Children & Family Ministry. A former high school teacher of the year, Robyn brings considerable skill, talent, and heart to her ministry of seeing that our children experience the love of their heavenly Father, believe the truth of the gospel, and learn the foundations of the faith. As if that were not enough, Robyn also provides numerous opportunities to serve in the community. Her contagious joy in serving has mobilized many to discover that same joy in helping others! Robyn joined OSL in 2012 and the OSL staff in 2017.
Robyn and her husband Mark (see above!) have been married for 18 years and have two children – Abigail and Luke. She enjoys time with family, bike riding, teaching, puzzles, hiking, outdoor fun, and competing in just about anything. Robyn holds a BA in Mathematics and a Masters of Education in Curriculum & Instruction, both from Texas A&M University.
In her own words: I love that OSL feels like home. It’s a church filled with the Spirit. OSL is real. We are broken people who love the Lord and thirst for His Word. I l love when we come together as a church family to love God and our neighbor.
A favorite Bible verse: For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)
Ryan Schoenberg
Ryan oversees the music ministry at OSL which includes coordinating and programming both our traditional and contemporary worship services as well as midweek and special services during Advent, Lent and Refuel Worship Nights. He can be seen (and heard) leading the OSL praise band at our 11 AM service.
If you have an instrument to play or a voice to share (singing or reading), Ryan will get you plugged in.
Ryan began leading the OSL worship band in 2017 and joined our staff a year later. Ryan is the husband of one and the father of four and a graduate of the University of Texas with a BA in Philosophy.
In his own words: I love working alongside friends in a fun and creative environment.
A favorite Bible verse: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God (Colossians 3:16).
Peter serves as the Director of Ministry Development, which means Peter plays a lot of positions on the OSL team. On any particular day you might find Peter upgrading technology, preparing a new member class, editing a video, serving as a liaison with the Preschool staff, and providing audio/video support for one of our many gatherings on campus. As if that is not enough, Peter also volunteers as a Stephen Minister. Peter has been sharing his multi-tool range of gifts with OSL since he joined the staff team in January of 2014. Peter is the husband of one wife – Jamie and the father of two – Logan, age 9, and Josh age 6. When this Hall of Famer is not on the field coaching his kids sports teams, he enjoys golf and tennis. Peter is a proud graduate of Concordia University of Texas with a B.A. in Lutheran Education.
In his own words: I love the caring and loving attitude of the people at OSL.
A favorite Bible verse: He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
As a die-hard Detroit Lions fan, Psalm 13:2 is also a favorite: “How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?” (Psalm 13:2).
Brandy provides extraordinary administrative support for all of our ministries, including but not limited to: communications, reservations, information, organization, and volunteer coordination. If you’re not sure who to ask, you probably need to ask Brandy! Brandy has served on the OSL staff since 2011. When she’s not making everything better at church, she enjoys spending time with her family. Brandy and her husband David have three children and three grandchildren with another on the way.
In her own words: “I love the biblical preaching and teaching and the community of OSL.”
A favorite Bible verse: Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them (Psalm 139:16).
Kelly's Bio coming soon!
In her own words:
A favorite Bible verse:
Claire brings the style to OSL through her role as Ministry Support. She brings a fresh perspective, some dark humor, and a servant’s heart to her work of making everything better at OSL. She pulls all this off while also studying business at Collin College with the idea of becoming an event planner. Claire loves music - she’s a true Swiftie! She also loves attending concerts, perusing record stores, reading, and playing video games. A member of OSL since 2013, Claire joined our staff in September of 2022.
In her own words: I love the community here at OSL. It’s full of great people who come from all walks of life.
A favorite Bible verse: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
Florene directs the OSL Preschool. She does so with such heart, skill, and wisdom that our Preschool has flourished and become one of the most sought after schools in the area. Spend a little time with Florene and you’ll note an amazing attention to detail, the stamina of an athlete, and an immense love for the kids. Florene has been a great blessing to our Preschool since joining our team in August of 2010. Florene has been married for 43 years and blessed with two grown children, a son and a daughter. In her moments of spare time, Florene enjoys reading, music, history, old houses, and antiques. Florene holds a BA in Education and her Master’s work is in Guidance and Counseling.
In her own words: I love the people, the staff, the inspirational messages, music and Bible studies and being a part of its wonderful ministry to the community.
A favorite Bible verse: He has showed you, O mortal, what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you. To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).
Pam serves as the Assistant Preschool Director, which means she is the manager administrator extraordinaire that keeps our top ranked preschool humming along. Pam joined OSL in 1986 and began working in the preschool in 1991. Since 2020 Pam has lived with her husband David on a 100-year-old farm in Leonard. Together they have 5 children, 6 grandchildren and another grandchild due in August. When she is not providing wonderful care and education for our preschool kids, Pam enjoys living out her farm girl heart by reading, baking, and gardening. Pam holds two Associates degrees, one in Applied Science and the other in Child Development.
In her own words: I love the people, the feeling of community, and the Biblical teaching at OSL.
A favorite Bible verse: This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).
Lee serves as the Business Manager which of course includes keeping the finances in order, but somehow also includes building maintenance, all building projects, and the preschool finances. Don’t let Lee’s kind spirit fool you: as a former Army Ranger he is more than capable of defending the building and keeping order! Lee joined the OSL staff in the Fall of 2022. He and his family have been members of OSL since 2001.
Lee and his wife Kari have been married for 26 years and have one daughter, Kailey, who is a junior in high school. Lee enjoys spending time with family, listening to music, and watching sports, including two of his favorites, fellow alums Tony Romo and Jimmy Garoppolo. While Lee’s time at Eastern Illinois did not result in an NFL quarterback career, he did earn a Bachelor of Science in Business and a master's degree in business administration from Troy State University.
In his own words: I love the people, feeling of community, and the Biblical teaching at OSL.
A favorite Bible verse: The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen (2 Timothy 4:18).
"And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"