→ Sundays @ 9:45am
5th – 6th Grade
B214 in the Education Building
5th and 6th graders participate in a Pre-Confirmation class that instructs them on the great story of the Bible, beginning in Genesis in the Old Testament and ending in Revelation in the New Testament and touching on every book in between. The class is taught by a master teacher with over a decade of experience teaching middle school kids.

→ Sundays @ 9:45am
7th – 8th Grade
B209 in the Education Building
7th and 8th graders participate in a Confirmation class which provides a time of focused learning of the basics of the Christian faith to prepare our children to confess their faith and participate in the Lord’s Supper. The class uses Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Think of the Small Catechism as a map that points us to the significant landmarks in the Bible. The three sections of the Small Catechism:
- Section 1: The Chief Texts (10 Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer)
- Section 2: The Means of Grace (Baptism, Lord’s Supper, Confession/Absolution)
- Section 3: Vocation/New Life (Daily Prayers, Table of Duties)
Confirmation concludes at the end of the 8th grade year with a ceremony in the worship service where the kids confess their faith and are received at the Lord’s Table. The end of Confirmation makes the beginning of our kids owning their faith and continuing to grow in faith as they transition to High School where they will learn more about living out their faith day to day.

Multiple studies reveal that when youth reach young adulthood, they abandon the church in large numbers. That’s the bad news. The good news is we can chart a different course for our kids. The research shows that the greatest factor on whether young adults raised in the church stay in the church is the parents’ participation in the faith. To that end, parents participate in a number of the Confirmation classes with their kid as well as a Sunday Bible Class. We also offer multiple opportunities for parents to grow in their ability and confidence to live their faith in the home.