Midweek Lenten Services
Wednesdays, February 24 & March 3, 10, 17, 24
12:00pm(must register in advance) and 7:00pm, Sanctuary
by Peter Burow
Midweek Lenten Services
Wednesdays, February 24 & March 3, 10, 17, 24
12:00pm(must register in advance) and 7:00pm, Sanctuary
by Peter Burow
Meals on Wheels
Wednesday, July 14
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Meals on Wheels needs our help! They are under strict COVID prevention guidelines, and all volunteers must be willing to comply. You MUST sign-up to volunteer. Spots are strictly limited. Masks are required and temperature checks will occur upon arrival. Please enter the building at the loading dock or back door. Email Robyn Bray with any questions.
Meals on Wheels Sign-up
Email Robyn Bray
Brandy Hellwarth
by Peter Burow
Our Next New Member Class will begin Sunday, February 7 at 10:15am
This class is for anyone interested in joining the OSL family or anyone who would like to learn more about what we believe
To register for the class or for more information contact our church office at office@oslmaindevdev.wpengine.com or 972-562-9944
by Peter Burow
Sanctity of Life Presentation
Beginning THIS Sunday, January 24
10:15am, Fellowship Hall
Dr. Steve Overn will discuss the medical side of abortion this Sunday. Join us for this interesting presentation. Next Sunday, we will hear from Holly Snell, the Director of Hope Women’s Center about how we can care for those going through an unplanned pregnancy. Pastor Thompson will wrap up the third presentation helping us to be better equipped to speak the Good News to these families.
The Heart of the Matter…
What’s really happening in the life of a woman prior to abortion?
No matter what drives a woman to end a pregnancy, there are physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects most don’t anticipate. Feelings of guilt, shame, and grief become a heavy burden, and many women feel that they will never be free, that no one understands, that God will never forgive them.
Although the issue of abortion is not complex in and of itself, the circumstances that these women face prior to their abortion are often very complex. Have you ever thought about what was going on in the life of that woman prior to her abortion? Her pressures? Her circumstances? Her fears? Why do so many women choose abortion over adoption?
On Sunday, January 31, join Holly and Aaron Snell, the Directors of Hope Women’s Center, as they begin to answer these questions and how you can make a difference and compassionately stand for LIFE right here in our community.
by Peter Burow
Wednesday Midday Services
Every Wednesday at 12:00pm (Noon)
In an effort to provide care and worship opportunities for the most at risk in our OSL community. The following restrictions will be in place:
Whether you have a medical condition that prevents you from attending the slightly larger, less restrictive services, or would just be more comfortable worshiping in a more restricted service, we welcome you to come to the Wednesday, midday services at noon.
by Peter Burow
Saturday, October 31st
12:00pm – 2:00pm
OSL Eats is hosting a Church Picnic! We will serve brats and hot dogs, chips, cookies, bottled water. Come hang out with your church family and enjoy lunch! There will be games and other fun stuff. There will be a SnoCone truck as well! Kids can wear their Halloween costumes to get a special treat!
by Peter Burow
OSL Serves
Meals on Wheels
Wednesday, October 14th
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Meals on Wheels needs our help! They are under strict COVID prevention guidelines, and all volunteers must be willing to comply. You MUST sign-up to volunteer. Spots are strictly limited. Masks are required and temperature checks will occur upon arrival. Please enter the building at the loading dock or back door. Email Robyn Bray with any questions.
Meals on Wheels Sign-up
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is an important ministry here at OSL. This ministry helps make the Sunday worship experience complete. They prepare and clean up the Lord’s Supper every week. It’s an easy way to serve as a family or individually. There’s no long-term commitment, you can sign-up to set-up or clean-up one weekend at a time. No experience required, we will teach you! If you are interested in serving please email Brandy Hellwarth.
Sign-up for Altar Guild
OSL Sunday Coffee and Donuts
Coffee and donuts are here! Each team has a rotation schedule and is super easy to do. If you would like to serve on one or both teams please email Brandy Hellwarth.
Email Robyn Bray
Email Brandy Hellwarth
by Peter Burow
God’s Good Word – LIVE!
Date: Wednesday, July 8th
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Zoom online platform. Click on this link to launch this app in your browser: https://zoom.us/j/115468135
Scripture Content: Ephesians 3 (continued)
Theme this Week: “The least of all saints”
Format: All are welcome to join this time of connecting together as the church family (e.g. young and old, male and female, etc.). This will be a casual, relaxed event, so deep theological expertise is not required to participate.
If you have questions about accessing Zoom using the link provided above, please email Vicar Bray for explanation and instruction.
by Peter Burow
Pastors Sunday Bible Class: Finding Peace and Joy
In light of the way 2020 has gone so far, a lot of people could use a little more peace and joy. Good news – the letter of Philippians tells us how to find peace and joy in abundance! We’ll take six weeks over the summer to gain a renewed focus on Christ and a peace and joy that sustains us through trying times.
The Pastors Bible Class will meet in the Sanctuary and online via Zoom. Contact Pastor Thompson for additional information.
by Peter Burow
Our Savior Lutheran Church
2708 Virginia Pkwy
McKinney, TX 75071
8:30am and 11:00am